On Behalf of Palacios Law Group College classes require a significant amount of time, focus and energy from students. When taking a full class load, many students in New York find that it is impossible to work during the school year. The summer break is an opportune time to find part-time work or to participate...Read More
On Behalf of Palacios Law Group Despite the increasingly active roles that dads play in the lives of their children, popular entertainment media still tends to portray fathers as incompetent when it comes to child rearing. This is hardly the case for many New York fathers, but the perception of fathers as less caring persists....Read More
On Behalf of Palacios Law Group With the rise of portable technology and affordable internet, social media has become an everyday part of many people’s lives. But is social media usage an accurate reflection of who the average person in New York is? The U.S. Department of State apparently thinks so, which is why immigration...Read More
On Behalf of Palacios Law Group A new proposal could change how new immigrants make their way to New York. While the current immigration system prioritizes those who already have familial ties in the United States, the proposed changes would get rid of family immigration as most people know it. Instead, a point-based system would...Read More
On Behalf of Palacios Law Group Coming to the United States as an undocumented immigrant is a difficult experience, particularly for those who feel as if they have no options for reprieve. However, much of the recent focus has been on those who have crossed the border illegally. While these individuals face an enormous amount...Read More
On Behalf of Palacios Law Group One of the biggest issues women worry about after divorce is their finances. This is a valid concern that can make it difficult for some women in New York to pursue divorce, even when it is otherwise the best option for their situation. However, no one should put off...Read More
On Behalf of Palacios Law Group Immigrants in New York who are facing deportation may be feeling overwhelming confusion and sadness about their futures. Many of these individuals wish to stay in the United States but are unaware of their options for doing so. Here are just a few ways that immigration law addresses avoiding removal....Read More
On Behalf of Palacios Law Group Many people who are living in America but are not yet citizens would likely agree that immigration is a complex matter. Your process of getting into the United States may have been long and complicated. And now that you reside in the States, you probably will do everything within...Read More
On Behalf of Palacios Law Group New York drivers tend to be in a hurry. With a lot of things to accomplish in a short amount of time, many of these people are multitasking most of the day, even when they are behind the wheel. Unfortunately, it is not possible to safely multitask and drive,...Read More
I neglect my talents Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It...Read More