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On Behalf of Palacios Law Group Life is a lot different than it was just 10 years ago. Society’s expectations of fathers are higher than perhaps ever before, and dads all across New York are stepping up to the plate. But that active involvement seems to mean little when it comes to securing parenting time...
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On Behalf of Palacios Law Group Court appeals may be the only avenue to stop the wrongful deportation of immigrants. But some appeals were limited until a Supreme Court decision that was issued this month expanding the review of immigration deportation orders. Federal law, the limited review provision, restricts the appellate courts’ review of board...
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On Behalf of Palacios Law Group Compared to passenger vehicles, semi-trucks are huge. They’re longer and weigh more than the average car, which means that they can cause utter devastation when involved in an accident. There are a number of reasons why truck accidents occur. Truckers are sometimes drunk or distracted, but in many instances...
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On Behalf of Palacios Law Group Getting government benefits can be life changing for people in difficult situations. There are probably many people in New York who were only able to survive tough times because of things like Medicaid or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. These kinds of benefits are there to be used by...
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On Behalf of Palacios Law Group Married couples usually plan to live in the same house, but some are working to just be able to live in the same country. Under immigration law, U.S. citizens can sponsor their spouses’ legal residency. Although this process can take months, it is worth the effort, especially for those...
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On Behalf of Palacios Law Group People travel to the United States for all kinds of reasons. When visitors use a B visa, they are usually coming for things like business, tourism and short-term visits. However, concern over how some people are using those visas has resulted in a new rule that targets pregnant women...
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On Behalf of Palacios Law Group Divorce is not all that uncommon, so it is easy to see why some New York residents might be hanging on to outdated information. The reality is simply that divorce is changing. Long-held beliefs about family law, the divorce rate and whether unhappy parents should stick it out are usually...
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On Behalf of Palacios Law Group There are a lot of misconceptions about prenuptial agreements. One of those misconceptions is that prenups are only for the very wealthy or for those who have a number of assets to protect. Another is that couples only sign prenups when they anticipate getting divorced. Neither of these are...
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On Behalf of Palacios Law Group Getting asylum is not always easy, but it is a big victory for those who achieve it and go on to successfully live and work in New York. However, some people are finding that being granted asylum is not actually giving them the opportunity to enter the United States....
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On Behalf of Palacios Law Group Adults and teenagers who were brought to the United States as young children are sometimes led to believe that they are American citizens. People in this situation usually do not realize that they are actually undocumented immigrants until they have to submit paperwork for things like college applications or...
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