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Inspection is critical when buying real estate

On Behalf of Palacios Law Group

Searching for a home can be a stressful experience. After all, most people intend to live in their new home for years or even decades, and the burden of packing, selling and moving is not something they want to do anytime soon. This is why is it important not to skip steps when buying real estate in New York. One of those steps is having a home inspection.

When a buyer looks at a house, he or she may only have minutes to walk through and get a feel for the size and layout of the space. The house may look perfect, but buyers may forget that the seller may have made many cosmetic updates to present a good impression. What is beneath those updates is something an experienced inspector should find out. Since buying a home is often an emotional event, having the unbiased and professional opinion of an inspector can give a potential buyer the information necessary to make a prudent decision.

Choosing an inspector includes asking about his or her credentials and experience. The buyer will also want to know exactly what to expect from the inspection. Home inspectors may not cover items such as termites or radon, so additional experts may be brought in if these items are a concern. Buyers are wise to be at the home for the inspection and to remain with the inspector as much as possible to ask questions as they arise.

A real estate purchase contract should have a contingency for home inspections. For example, the seller may want to renegotiate the price in light of the results of the inspection or reserve the right to cancel the sale. As with any step in the homebuying process, the guidance and advice of a New York attorney can prove valuable before making any decisions.

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